Product information
DoviX Turtledove Mix is the ideal base mix for all types of turtle doves, barbary doves and other exotic pigeon breeds such as for example, Senegal collared doves, Eurasian collared doves.
The mixture is based on broken maize and also contains a varied range of grains and seeds.
Maize, wheat, yellow millet, red sorghum, white dari, saffl ower, white millet, hempseed, buckwheat, red millet, Kadjang Idjoe, vetches
Analytical constituents
Crude protein 11,3%, crude fat 5,8%, crude ash 2%, carbohydrates 61,51%, crude cellulose 6,5%, phosphorous 0,31%, calcium 0,05%, lysine 0,55%, methionine 0,22%